Sunday, 16 March 2014

Recreating Us

"We are unable to talk productively about complex issues because we are unable to listen... Opening our minds ultimately means opening our hearts... When a true opening of the heart develops collectively, miracles are possible." -- Solving Tough Problems by Adam Kahane

Listening to this world-class thinker at Tamaracks 2013 CCI, I found his foundational premise of POWER and LOVE coexisting in balance between stakeholders to be game changing. The secret sauce needed for authentic discovery from which new realities can be co-created. His methodology for moving forward in challenging situations was tangible and simple, albeit not easy or straightforward as the process is emergent. Beautifully, it hinges upon an open-hearted reflection of self in relation to others.

What are the stories I tell myself? If I look at the world from a different angle, did it change or did I? Mr. Kahane's Transformative Scenario Planning methodology is based upon co-generating stories about what could happen and through this process, discovering together the path forward towards our desired reality.

* I've seen stories used to lobby policy change. Stories that are grounded in the past, focused on what has happened, often side-effects of the deeper issue, aimed to push for resolution but short on whole-system solutions. Effective? Absolutely yes.
* Mr. Kahane was using story to advance ideology. Stories that are future based, focused on what is possible, the desired reality void of the issue, aimed to collectively nurture the personal internal shifts needed to create this new way of being. TRANSFORMATIONAL !!

The question...
Are we portraying the appropriate stories in media if we honestly desire transformational social change?